Margarita Berduo






DISC Characteristics

  • • Sometimes you demand too much of yourself. • You are a calculated risk-taker, but only after you have had sufficient time to consider all potential outcomes. • You can be very modest in dealing with others. • You prefer a culture that allows ample time for analysis of new ideas before implementation takes place. • You are usually very supportive of decisions made by others on the team. • You are open to deferring to others for decisions when they have voiced a stronger opinion.
  • You tend to not be very organized or attentive to details at all. You express or talk about your emotions openly on the up-side or down-side. You most likely enjoy helping others as coach, counselor, or teacher. Youseekfreedomofspeechandtheabilitytoexpressideasand opinions openly. You enjoy opportunities to motivate others. Yousufferfromafairamountofprocrastinationwhenitcomes to tasks that require you to work with too many details all by yourself.
  • You tend to be a calming influence on those with whom you work. • You can accept change, but you require a good argument for it first. • You bring a high degree of self-control to work.You steadily move towards the completion of a task. • If insufficient structure and order exist, you will create it. • You prefer to have sufficient clarification of policy or tasks before proceeding, so as to avoid mistakes. • You serve to stabilize others on a team who are perhaps too maverick.
  • To you, rules are guidelines, not concrete. • You are flexible enough to work with or without a lot of structure or order. •You can easily work independently when it comes to completing tasks and assignments. • You are fine with change when it is clear how it will improve efficiency. • You may be perceived as being non-committal by some when it comes to deciding on how to proceed. • To you, the end usually justifies the means.