Carsen Hopper






DISC Characteristics

  • You can depend heavily on others to help make decisions. You appreciate and like standardized controls and policies to avoid surprises along the way. You can be considered "quiet" in team settings or when in the midst of heated debates. You are considered pretty modest in your approach with others and are open to deferring to stronger opinions when they exist. You tend to be peaceful and avoid confrontation whenever possible. You like to take a more mild-mannered and measured hand in dealing with others.
  • You can at times be too impulsive in making decisions. You are gregarious and outgoing with most everyone you meet. You can be extremely persuasive. At times, your desire to express your opinion and interact with others may come across as self-promoting by the quieter people you know. You tend to not be very organized or attentive to details at all. Generally speaking, people find you warm, open and excellent at interacting with others.
  • You can be fairly resistant to change. You may be slow to accept changes or let go of the old ways of doing things. You bring a high sense of loyalty to the rules and regulations that govern projects, people, and processes. You are typically very cool, calm, and collected on the job. You can be an excellent calming influence on people who are upset. You are very patient.
  • You are very conscientious in delivering high levels of detail. You possess excellent critical thinking and problem solving ability. You think it is important to adhere to specific and detailed instructions or procedures. You like to work in an environment that is very precise and more structured. You are excellent at gathering detailed information and examples. You prefer a neat and clean work environment.